
Pharma visual aids: Why should you update yours?

Contents of this post:

Do you know pharmaceutical companies are spending as much as 14% on advertising (Source: Forbes) but not on pharma visual aids?

Do you know this is the second highest spending after the technology sector?

The need to bridge the gap between the latest research and doctors is big. And the role of pharma visual aids in doing so cannot be underestimated. However, most of the doctors refuse to give Medical Representatives their time and attention. Do you know why does this happen?

The biggest reason is the failure of pharmaceutical visual aids to provide useful insights to the doctor. One cannot expect a doctor to hear that pantoprazole is a Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) or Ibuprofen is a Non-Steroidal Inflammatory Drug (NSAID). This is the knowledge the doctor already has. And most of the pharma companies are using this kind of information in their visual aid books.And this is not what the doctor wants to hear. However, what the doctor may not be aware of is the latest research on the molecules, any revisions in the indicated uses of the drugs and also comparable efficacy reviews and other ongoing studies. So, an efficient visual aid needs to have not just more but better. Here, quality is a priority and not the quantity of the content.

Then, there are several other shortcomings like outdated designs, lack of effective images, plagiarized work, non-referenced statements, lack of strategic design mixes, inappropriate designs, mixed kinds of information, etc. For instance, a dermatological use of an antibiotic medicine is explained to a gynecologist only because the MR has learnt it from the VA. Well, the same medicine may be used in different segments, but for different indications. Your pharma VA needs to identify the target audience in order to generate the best results.

An effective pharma visual aid contributes to best marketing practices and so, it can do wonders. On the contrary, an ineffective non-performing pharma visual aid can bring down your company’s sales.

What else?

Then, a doctor has only a limited time that can be spared for Medical Representatives. But if this time is not giving them any useful information, they will be reluctant to give their time and attention. However, something new, something useful can push them to give their attention towards something that can improve treatment outcomes. After all, that’s what a doctor needs.

Most of the pharmaceutical visual aids used especially by the Pharma PCD companies (Propaganda Cum Distribution) fail to identify and display this relevance in their visual aids. And that’s what they do only for cost-cutting of their marketing budget. Instead, they prefer spending more on advertising. We will discuss that too in detail in our future posts. For now, let’s stay with the pharma visual aids in this post.

The evolving landscape of healthcare and doctor expectations:

The healthcare landscape is in constant flux. It is driven by advancements in technology, shifting patient demographics, and evolving regulations. This dynamic environment also impacts the way doctors receive information. Additionally, it influences on how they make decisions about their patients’ care.

Understanding these changing dynamics is crucial for pharma companies when designing visual aids. These materials, once viewed as simple product brochures, now need to be strategic tools that cater to the evolving needs and expectations of doctors.

Here are some key trends shaping the landscape of healthcare and doctor expectations:

Patient-centric care:

Firstly, the healthcare focus has shifted towards empowering patients. So, a lot of focus and emphasis is on actively involving them in their healthcare decisions. So, this would mean that the doctor today need concise, accurate, and accessible information to share with their patients. Therefore, visual aids should be designed to facilitate clear communication.

TIP: Clear and concise information.

Information overload:

Doctors are bombarded with information daily from various sources. Besides concise information, they require visually appealing and evidence-based content. This can help them quickly grasp key product information and its potential benefits for their patients. So, today’s pharma visual aids need to be have the latest information that can help the doctor.

As a growing pharma company, you need to work with healthcare providers to identify what information may be new. The work here just begins! Identification is one step. The next step would be to include this kind of information in the most appealing and concise manner. Also, for the doctor to trust the new information and also to access the full study, which obviously cannot be included in one or two visual aid pages, it is advisable to include authentic references.

TIP: Reference-based latest updates.

Time pressures:

Doctors have limited consultation time. So, it is essential for visual aids to be easily digestible and allow for efficient information sharing. Interactive elements and engaging visuals can help capture attention and retain key information.

TIP: Interactive designing

Increased scrutiny and transparency:

Regulatory requirements and ethical considerations demand accurate, unbiased, and transparent communication of product information. So, your pharma visual aids must adhere to these standards and avoid promotional bias.

TIP: Authentic information

Technological advancements:

Doctors increasingly rely on digital tools and platforms for accessing information and interacting with pharma reps. So, pharma visual aids should be adapted to these digital formats and leverage interactive elements to enhance engagement. One of the best means to do so can be using animated visual aids and product presentations. These are not only advanced and more visually appealing, but also time-efficient and cost-friendly pharma visual aids.

TIP: Merge innovation and information.

Rise of personalized medicine:

Tailoring treatments based on individual patient needs is becoming increasingly common. Therefore, pharma visual aids should be flexible enough to adapt to different patient profiles and treatment scenarios.

Beyond these trends, it’s important to remember that doctors are individuals with diverse preferences and learning styles. Also, pharma companies should conduct research and gather feedback from their target audience to understand their specific needs and preferences for visual aids.

By staying informed about the evolving healthcare landscape and doctor expectations, pharma companies can develop effective visual aids that resonate with their target audience and ultimately contribute to better patient care.

Why outdated pharma visual aids can hinder communication and effectiveness?

In this dynamic world of healthcare, information is constantly evolving and patient expectations are shifting. So, outdated visual aids used by pharma companies can become significant barriers to effective communication and hinder the success of medical representatives. Here’s why:

Accuracy and Relevance:

  • Outdated information: Firstly, medical knowledge and treatment protocols change rapidly. Therefore, visual aids based on outdated data can mislead doctors and compromise patient care. This can therefore result in the lost credibility of the doctor on the pharma company and medical representatives.
  • Lack of relevance to current needs: Secondly, doctors need information tailored to their specific patient populations and treatment scenarios. So, outdated visuals may not address their current concerns or considerations.

Communication and Engagement:

  • Text-heavy and static presentations: Next, long blocks of text and outdated visuals can be overwhelming and fail to capture the doctor’s attention. This hinders information absorption and meaningful interaction. For instance, compare the two designs of a visual aid for the same drug, Rosuvastatin. You can easily identify the difference between text-heavy visual aid from the one with less text but meaningful information.
Pharma visual aids

Similarly, you can see the difference between a static visual aid from an animated visual aid. For examples, visit: Animated/Digital visual aids

  • Lack of interactivity and personalization: Static visuals don’t allow for the exploration of data or adaptation to specific patient profiles. This therefore limits the potential for deeper engagement and tailoring information to individual needs.

Brand Image and Trust:

  • Outdated design aesthetics: Outdated visuals can create a perception of a stagnant or uncompetitive brand, undermining doctors’ trust and confidence in the company’s products.
  • Inconsistent messaging: Visual aids that don’t align with other marketing materials can create confusion and damage the brand’s credibility.

Missed Opportunities and Compliance Issues:

  • Ineffective communication: Outdated visuals may fail to effectively communicate vital product information, leading to missed opportunities for updating doctors with advanced research.
  • Non-compliance with regulations: Moreover, outdated visuals that don’t adhere to evolving regulations or ethical guidelines can expose the company to legal risks and reputational damage.

Impact on Return on Investment (ROI):

  • Inefficient interactions: Outdated visuals can lead to longer and less productive interactions between medical representatives and doctors. Hence, it can impact ROI in sales and marketing efforts of the medical representatives.

By addressing these challenges, pharma companies can leverage the power of up-to-date and engaging visual aids to:

  • Enhance communication and engagement with doctors.
  • Establish their companies and their representatives as reliable and trustworthy sources of information.
  • Maximize the effectiveness of their sales and marketing efforts.

Investing in modern, data-driven, and interactive visual aids is not just a best practice, but a strategic necessity for pharma companies to thrive in the evolving healthcare landscape.

The Cost of Outdated Visual Aids: Beyond Missed Opportunities

While the negative impact of outdated visual aids on communication and effectiveness is undeniable, the true cost extends far beyond missed opportunities. Here’s a deeper look at the tangible and intangible costs associated with clinging to the past:

Financial Costs:

  • Production and printing expenses: Outdated visuals require repeated printing, incurring unnecessary costs that could be redirected towards more effective materials.
  • Reduced sales and marketing ROI: Ineffective communication can lead to lost sales opportunities and a lower return on investment for marketing and sales efforts.

Brand Reputation Costs:

  • Perceived lack of innovation: Outdated visuals can create a perception of a stagnant or uncompetitive brand, impacting its reputation among doctors and patients alike.
  • Erosion of trust and credibility: Inconsistent or inaccurate information can damage the brand’s credibility. So, it can make it harder for the pharma company to gain and retain the trust of healthcare professionals.

Human Capital Costs:

  • Reduced productivity of medical representatives: Ineffective visuals can lead to longer and less productive interactions with doctors. An unproductive communication can therefore impacting the efficiency and effectiveness of sales representatives.
  • Demotivated workforce: Using outdated materials can demotivate sales representatives and negatively impact their morale and performance.
  • Missed opportunities for talent acquisition and retention: A company relying on outdated tools may struggle to attract and retain top talent in the competitive pharma industry.

Ethical Costs:

  • Misleading information: Outdated visuals can lead to the dissemination of inaccurate or misleading information. As a result, it can compromise patient care and ethical standards.
  • Failure to address evolving patient needs: Clinging to outdated visuals can hinder the ability to effectively address the changing needs and preferences of patients. Hence, it can compromise the ethical responsibility to provide optimal care.

Long-Term Competitive Costs:

  • Falling behind the competition: By not embracing modern pharma visual aids, companies risk falling behind competitors who are utilizing innovative and effective communication tools.
  • Difficulty adapting to future trends: Sticking to outdated methods can make it harder to adapt to future advancements in technology and communication preferences. Hence, it can hinder long-term growth and competitiveness.

Therefore, the cost of outdated visual aids extends far beyond their initial production price tag. By considering these various facets, pharma companies can gain a clearer understanding of the true impact of clinging to the past and make informed decisions about investing in modern, effective visual communication tools.

Key Reasons for Updating Your Pharma Visual Aids

As evident from the above discussion, clinging to outdated pharma visual aids can be detrimental to your brand image, communication effectiveness, and ultimately, patient care. Here are the key reasons why updating your visual aids is not just a suggestion, but a strategic necessity:

1. Ensuring Accuracy and Relevance:

  • Stay ahead of the science curve: At first, medical knowledge and treatment protocols undergo continuous advancements. So, regularly updating your visuals ensures they reflect the latest scientific evidence and best practices. Further, it ensures best treatment outcomes.
  • Address current needs and trends: Doctors need information tailored to their specific patient populations and treatment scenarios. Therefore, updating your visuals allows you to address their evolving needs and align with current trends in healthcare.

2. Enhancing Communication and Engagement:

  • Move beyond text-heavy brochures: Ditch the dense information overload and embrace visually engaging formats like infographics, animations, and interactive elements. These capture attention, enhance information retention, and facilitate more meaningful interactions with doctors.
  • Personalize your approach: Modern visual aids allow for customization based on individual doctor preferences and patient profiles. This creates a more relevant and engaging experience, fostering deeper connections and better outcomes.

3. Building Brand Image and Trust:

  • Showcase innovation and leadership: Outdated visuals can create the impression of a stagnant brand. Whereas, updating with fresh designs and cutting-edge technology demonstrates innovation, builds trust, and positions your brand as a leader in the field.
  • Maintain consistent messaging: Ensure your visual aids align with your overall brand image and marketing efforts. This creates a unified and credible message, strengthening brand recognition and trust among healthcare professionals.

4. Maximizing Opportunities and Compliance:

  • Don’t miss out on doctor engagement: Outdated visuals might fail to effectively communicate vital product information. As a result, it leads to missed opportunities for doctor engagement, education and treatment adherence. On the other hand, updated visuals can bridge the gap, ensuring better health outcomes.
  • Stay compliant with regulations: Evolving regulations and ethical guidelines demand transparency and accurate information. So, updating your visuals ensures compliance with current standards and minimizes legal or reputational risks.

5. Boosting ROI and Competitive Advantage:

  • Enhance the effectiveness of your sales force: Modern visual aids empower medical representatives to deliver more compelling presentations. As a result, it can lead to better engagement, higher conversion rates and a maximized return on investment.
  • Stay ahead of the competition: In a competitive market, outdated visuals can leave you behind. However, by embracing modern communication tools, you can stand out, attract top talent and gain a competitive edge.

Updating your pharma visual aids is not just about aesthetics; it’s a strategic investment in your brand, communication effectiveness, and ultimately, patient care. By embracing these key reasons and taking action, you can ensure your visuals stay relevant and impactful and contribute to your success in the dynamic world of healthcare.

Contact us for a consultation on updating your pharma visual aids.

Related Posts:

  1. National Vaccine Day: March 16 every year
  2. Pharma Visual Aid Design Sample
  3. Pharma visual aids on World Cancer Day (Feb 4)
  4. Looking for Pharmaceutical Packaging Designing?
  5. Happy Holi 2023!

Quick Links:

  1. Visual Aid Spiral
  2. Visual Aid Book
  3. Pharma LBLs
  4. Doctor Reminder Card
  5. Product Monograph
Pharma visual aid design for anti-cancer medicines

Pharma visual aids on World Cancer Day (Feb 4)

Pharma visual aids discount

There is a comprehensive research on medicines that are displayed in the form of pharma visual aids. Pharmaceutical marketing companies use them for detailing and informing the doctors about the latest molecules and the associated research based on clinical trials. We appreciate your efforts in raising awareness, and encouraging the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of several diseases, from mild to moderate to severe diseases such as Cancer.

Also, Aadya Enterprises stand in solidarity with everyone standing with similar interests and motives.

Additionally, we appreciate efforts of all pharmaceutical and medical devices companies in coming forward with innovative diagnostics, treatments and prevention to fight this deadly disease. So, we extend our support to all doctors, nurses, pharmacists and paramedical staff taking care of patients and giving them a hope for a brighter future.

Pharma visual aid design for anti-cancer medicines

On World Cancer Day, we recognize the incredible efforts of researchers, doctors, and the entire healthcare community fighting this relentless disease. But alongside their dedication, visual aids play a crucial role in raising awareness, educating patients, and empowering individuals in their journeys.

Role of Pharma Visual Aids in this journey:

From clear infographics explaining complex diagnoses to powerful animations illustrating treatment options, visual aids bridge the gap between medical jargon and accessible understanding. They

  • spark conversations,
  • build trust, and ultimately
  • equip doctors, patients and their families with the knowledge and confidence to navigate their care effectively.

This World Cancer Day, let’s not only celebrate the tireless efforts of those combating cancer. But also acknowledge the power of visual communication in this fight. Moreover, by harnessing the potential of design, we can provide valuable insights to doctors and other healthcare professionals, empower patients, support informed decisions, and contribute to a future where everyone has the tools they need to face cancer with strength and hope.

So, feel free to contact us at Aadya Enterprises for pharma visual aid designing at discounted prices. Offer available only on anti-cancer medicines, multivitamins and immunoboosters for today only on account of World Cancer Day.

Inquire the best prices of pharma visual aid today!

Related posts:

  1. Looking for Pharmaceutical Packaging Designing?
  2. Pharma Visual Aid Design Sample
  3. How to choose right name for Pharma Products
  4. website designs and SEO
  5. Product Monograph

Quick links:

  1. Pharma Packaging Designing
  2. Logo Designing
  3. Pharma Brochure
  4. 3D Product Rendering
  5. Animated Visual Aids
pharma visual aid design

Pharma Visual Aid Design Sample

Hello dear readers! Whether you are a graphic arts designer or aboard the pharmaceutical product management team, this post can help you get an insight into important key elements of a pharma visual aid design. 

The designers and the marketing team often ignore a few important things while designing a pharma visual aid. And this is where they lose the potential of a brand. Using these elements effectively is the key to a successful brand.

The most important thing in the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical sector is undoubtedly the effectiveness of the product. It should be efficacious and prove beneficial for specific indications.

However, the doctors need a communication link that can keep them updated with the latest research on several pharmaceutical salts. Research has to reach the doctor through a reliable source. This is what a pharmaceutical VA does. 

Coming to the details.

What is a pharma visual aid?

A Pharma Visual Aid is an Illustrative tool used to detail a Pharmaceutical Product information to a Doctor or Medical Practitioner in well conceptually designed artwork. They are the communicating links between the companies that manufacture or market the pharmaceutical products under their brand identity and the prescribers.

What are the components of a pharma visual aid (VA)?

There are 6 basic key elements one should focus on while designing Pharma visual aid

pharma visual aid design

1. The Brand Name

Brand name is simply the name given by a company to a particular Pharmaceutical salt or combination of salts, used to promote under its own identity. As it is the main key component, it should be well designed and highlighted the most above all. It is crucial to have the brand name copyrighted before using it as a brand name to avoid conflict with any other copyrighted brand in future.

2. Salt or Drug name

This is again an important part of Pharma Visual Aid designing, and should be accurately mentioned along with weight or volume as per the manufactured product. The product may have a single salt or contain multiple salts and other ingredients.

3. Conceptual Art

To promote the brand we use a depiction of its benefits, effects and use with the help of images or artwork. This is also a very important and key element as it helps in getting attention to the usefulness of the brand. Ideally, royalty paid images should be used to avoid any future disputes.

4. Punch Line or copywriting

Copywriting or Punch Line are no doubt the most effective ways of marketing from ancient times. A good copy alone does all the marketing work and leaves an everlasting impression on the consumer’s mind. Copywriting should also be well blended with the artwork so it is easy for the doctor to recall while prescribing. 

5. Medical Content

It is the backbone of any Pharma visual Aid design, Whatever we claimed about the brand should be backed by medical and clinical references. Medical content generally contains information like benefits, effects, comparison and graphs etc. about the salts incorporated in our brand and should be visible along with references. 

For instance, all the doctors know Pantoprazole, Omeprazole, and Rabeprazole all belong to the same class of Proton Pump Inhibitors. But, which salt will work better on an individual patient will be based on patient-specific factors like the time of the day when the patient experiences the most acid reflux or the duration for which the effect is desired, etc.

And sometimes, in accordance with the interactions, it may have with any other medication the patient may currently be taking. Each patient’s prescription is individualized as per the specific needs.

A pharmaceutical visual aid with the latest medical information backed by medical references can give reliable evidence to the doctor for prescribing it for the patient’s benefit.

6. Indications

Clinical indications are an application of the brand in various disorders or its preventions. Various clinical trials and studies are conducted while its development is being made and these studies suggest its usage. Indications should be effectively highlighted and well visible as this will get the required prescription from the doctor for the brand.

Sometimes the dosage of the brand is also mentioned, but it is not mandatory.

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How to choose right name for Pharma Products

How to choose right name for Pharma Products

pharma brand name

Choosing a name is always be the most difficult part in developing a product and transforming that name into a “BRAND” has its root in the name itself. Choosing the right name for Pharma Products is just getting tougher, because Indian Pharmaceutical Industry has over 60,000 generic brands  and this number is growing day by day. 

Because great brand delivers great profits, it is the must have learning to known how to choose right name.

While choosing an ideal brand name you may consider the following points

1. Purpose affiliation or relation brand name

Relating the product to the brand name is the most important and immensely difficult work to do. In Pharmaceutical industry having a brand name directly related to product benefit or any disease the product treats is a dream com true. Some example are COVISHIELD of Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. and nicotex fo cipla.

So it is the best to incorporate some part of molecule, treatment, Indication and disease name within the name of the brand. It is also helpful for medical professionals like doctor to remember the brand name.

2. Sufix or Prefix which go first in the brand name

It is true very true that celebrity can make a product into brand overnight, do you know why? Because infamous or new thing gets fame when associated with famous entity. It also applicable when choosing right name for pharma product.

If your company name is already popular, that may have helpful to your product also. Just by adding some part of company name in sufix or prefix of your product name will be very helpful to make it a brand.

It will be very easy to remember the brand name for people who already know your company name. Example are CEFAKIND of mankind and LUPASE of lupin pharma. It first point can also be used in this name type work the best.  

3. Pronounceable or phonetically correct brand name

when pick a name it is very important that it should not be a tongue twister or very difficult to pronounce. If you consider the first point, then you already get the known phonetical word which is well known and aids in making the right name.

For legal purposes the name should not be phonetically similar to other registered brands. Indian patent process strictly disallow phonetically similar brand names. You can learn more in this blog

4. Memorability or catchiness of brand name

Have you ever come across a song which you may have listened somewhere in the morning and you keep on singing the same song the whole day, do you know why? It is because of the stickiness of our brain, it quickly stick to thing which are entertaining.

Having some fun word or catchy word is very helpful for our brain to remember it. Our brain makes link to previously known word in our consciousness, if you connect that word and make it funny the listener will defiantly remember it. Wow is simple example

5. Brand name clash (other same name is registered by another company).

Now after doing all the hard work we came to out final and the most important point which is the brand name clashes with any other brands. Sometime you have to go in loops from this point to the very first one, because most of the time our competitor already taken the the name which you just make and the whole process just start again. 

It is very important to check the name clash and very method to check name your choice online, as mention earlier the name also should not match phonetically with others. You can read this blog for detail insight of registering the brand name.

We at aadyaenterprize have the full service and technical teams to do it for you. So checkout our services in creating your BRAND from the beginning…..CONTACT US.

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